(Written Sat 27, 23:29 till Sun 28, 00:18.)
he´s on that Good For Nothing dive
the Blood coming out to the streets right away for nothing at all
I better give Sally a call
I know the place that she stays by the Hall
She will be here in only seconds or more
She knows the drill and will be able to handle that floor
She´s breathing heavy, she is made for this kind of war
Her flames from eyes could scare a crow or a whore
And if she takes away that body
I will owe her
gin and wine and whisky galore
and I tell you
she keeps score
that is one thing for sure
(Copyright Dennis Renfors)
söndag 28 juni 2015
fredag 26 juni 2015
Meet On Fleet Street
(Written June 24, 2015, from 07.15 AM till 08.17 PM.)
The rest of the World is now handling that Candle for nothing
The rest of the World knows exactly the right thing to do
To save us from sin, from the filth we are touching
But the darkness is still our companion for sure
all the shy girls from dawn in the land Guadeloupe who were smiling,
all the Belvedere boys with their Wooden swords, are now gone
the rest of the World is there, eager to find me
But the stakes are now higher, His Truth marching on
Save the sad Bells of Rhymney so many have already told us,
Save the Pastures of Plenty with Strings playing oh so sweet,
Save the sounds of the City and all of the Goods they have sold us
Still remains: We are anxious to meet on Fleet Street
The rest of the world is aware of the shots down in Dallas
The rest of the World knows there's nothing that Jackie could do
So she dated the Guy who had been dating Callas
they are all gone by now, they were glowing for sure
(Copyright Dennis Renfors)
onsdag 17 juni 2015
End of Golden Age
(2015, June 17. Written 9.20 AM till 10.13 AM)
you let the monster out of the cage
it marked the end of our Golden Age
the place supposed to get peaceful and clean
is now a desert with a war machine
Hey, Davy Crocket and Johnny Appleseed
they spoiled your nation by acting in Greed
to late to visit the world´s oldest town
´cause in this area the sun has gone down
so if we ever get in order again
where Mister Voldermort has no ground to gain
I´ll walk the streets to them wide Golden Halls
where lunatics are not present at all
©Dennis Renfors
tisdag 16 juni 2015
Ode To LA Poet David McIntire
(June 15, 11:42
PM Swedish time)
As I ran by the fence with the stick in my hand
All my friends said "You´ll still be there"
That rattling sound till the hot dog stand
And I knew that I would not care
As I ran by the fence with the stick in my hand
All my friends said "You´ll still be there"
That rattling sound till the hot dog stand
And I knew that I would not care
But I finally saw in the wind so raw
I´ll be back, I´ll be back some day
It takes more than a storm to shut my jaw
"Where´s the mic? I am here to stay"
By Dennis Renfors
Los Angeles poet David McIntire´s latest poetry book is "PUNK ROCK BREAKFAST". To read about it, click HERE!
For Swedish interpretation of his poem "After", click HERE!
söndag 7 juni 2015
Efter (After)
(Från ”Punk Rock Breakfast, poems and stories”, av David McIntire som bor i Los Angeles.)
efter en lång dag med att misslyckas med livet
är det härligt att komma hem
och kolla hur skruvarna ramlar ur väggarna
fönstren smälter
och hur bankräkningarna börjar fatta eld
efter en hård dag med att banka huvudet mot verkligheten
är det alltid trösterikt
att koppla av till ljudet av takpannornas självmord
röklukten när prestationer och avsikter offras
när jag virar dessa frätskador runt mina axlar
och varsamt lägger huvudet i giljotinens sköte
gnolar jag en mjuk och ljuv elegi över allt förnuftigt
över allt som en gång hade mjuka konturer och svävade
efter en lång natt av sömnlöshet och mardrömmar
är det härligt att ha ett ställe att gå till
även om det inte finns på riktigt
även om jag bara ljuger för mig själv
för att slippa minnas detta månsken
Av David McIntire
( By David McIntire 2015. Interpretation: Dennis Renfors. http://www.internationalwordbank.com/punk-rock-breakfastby-david-mcintire-hot-off-the-press-buy-the-kindle/)
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